?MovieTubeNow Watch Full Length The Phantom of the Opera at the

The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall ?MovieTubeNow




writer Gaston Leroux

genre Thriller

Country UK

8,9 / 10 star

Brief In 1986, Andrew Lloyd Webber"s The Phantom of the Opera arrived on the West End stage at Her Majesty"s Theatre. Fast forward 25 years and Phantom has achieved global success, millions of viewers, a film adaptation in 2004 and a musical sequel. Now viewers have the chance to experience this phenomenal show right from their own screens. Filmed at the Royal Albert Hall, this stunning performance brings the show to a bigger stage and celebrates its role as one of the biggest shows in theatre history, with speeches, performances and appearances by the original cast and some of the show"s most notable Phantoms, including John Owen-Jones and Colm Wilkinson. Starring Ramin Karimloo and Sierra Boggess, Phantom tells the story of a deformed musical genius who lives in the catacombs of the Paris Opera House. Shunned by society, the Phantom seeks revenge in cruel and often violent acts. The Phantom is in love with chorus girl Christine Daaé and has been secretly training her to replace La Carlotta as the opera"s reigning diva. However, when Christine is thrust into the spotlight, she is also reunited with childhood friend Raoul. Passion, obsession and chaos ensue as Christine finds herself torn between her love for Raoul and her strange pull towards the mysterious and dangerous Phantom

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Yeah I prefer the new one. I watch this movie not less than 3 times. What a great movie. Norm Lewis will always be the best. Although JOJ is an amazing singer too.


Who"s here after hearing AGT Marcelito Pomoy"s performance and checking if this can fit and might be his Grand Finals Performance. Now that the full recorded version got unfortunately taken down already, i came here. Anyone here after the live streaming. Its 4am here and im still not over it... :3. I ended up buying the show. I cant get over this Erik/Christine pair. Ramin and Sierra really are perfect for their roles. My all time favorite musical! It"s true I have not watched a lot of musicals but I know this one will always be a favorite. I watched the movie as well and it was fine, but nothing of the grandness of this musical. The singers/actors have the most suitable voices and they fit their roles perfectly. The songs are very iconic, of course. And the entire execution of the musical is incredibly well done, the lights, the costumes, the dancers were spot on, AND THE CHANDELIER. It is a performance I would have risked blood and bone to see live, if time and distance weren"t obstacles. All in all, this is the musical that got me into musicals and opera.

That scene where the phantom enters is super hot, why cant hot men appear in my mirror when I sing okay. Also that part where he slicks back his hair. ??. Lol. He"s way to in her face. Pass me the aux cord boi. They"re really good perfomers, but Butler and Rossum are in my heart. I got this DVD as a gift a couple of years ago. I mistakenly thought I had already seen it and didn"t have a strong desire to watch it again. I was content with watching the 2004 film whenever I felt the need to watch POTO. It had it"s problems, but I was content. Well one night I got bored and decided for kicks and giggles I would watch it. I quickly realized I had never seen this performance before. I got excited and curious to see how this version would play out. And I was not disappointed.
Just a heads up to anyone curious - this is not a film version of POTO. This is a recording of a play performance. It"s not shot like a film so if you hate seeing plays in film format, then skip this and go to the 2004 film. However, if you are curious to see what the heart of Phantom of the Opera is, I strongly encourage you to watch this production. It is stellar. The music is top notch - the live orchestra brings so much passion and warmth to the sound. The costumes are glorious and the excellent use of technology is well placed. The support cast is fantastic and made me all the more invested - fearing for them and laughing with them (though I am disappointed by the lack of an audience response at the humorous bits but that"s nitpicking. But the real stars are Raoul, Christine, and the Phantom.
First Raoul - Hadley Fraser has a different take on the childhood sweetheart of Christine. Fraser brings an energy and eagerness to the character. I always found Raoul in every performance to be fairly bland - he promises to protect Christine and shelter her. But aside from the dialogue, there is not much else to draw me to him. I loved Fraser because he brings a new energy and charisma to the character. He is a great contrast to the dark and passionate Phantom. Sierra Boggess portrays the innocent and charming Christine Daaé and Boggess is my favorite Christine by far. Her voice has such a sweet and warm sound to it. She captures perfectly both the innocence and sexuality of the young chorus girl as her world is turned upside down. But what makes her stand out is her chemistry with both Fraser and Karimloo (the Phantom.
And finally, the Phantom himself, played by Ramin Karimloo. I am convinced that if Morgan Freeman is the voice of God, then Ramin Karimloo is the singing voice of God. Good Lord is his voice gorgeous. The way he goes from a growling baritone to a delicate tenor blows my mind. He is both very threatening and very vulnerable. He is both aggressor and victim. He captures the fragility of the Phantom"s mind and the strength of the Phantom"s will. His rage, his passion, his trepidation. it"s breathtaking. His chemistry with Sierra Boggess is unbelievable. I could watch the two interact all day it"s that good. By far, my favorite couple performance.
This movie is wonderful. I can"t express enough how much I enjoyed it. It actually made me cry. The only movies I have ever cried in where Schindler"s List, The Pianist, and Les Miserables. The emotions are so raw and beautifully executed that it was impossible for me not to be moved. If you are a phan, then this film is a definite watch. Enjoy the magic and prepare to be amazed.

Performances continue just as before. Ramin is gorgeous. Ok but why is no one talking about the freaking orchestra. They killed the performance! ??. The way Ramin sang “my power over you grows stronger yet” gave me chills! Edit: I just saw him grab her wrist when she touches his mask. Fantastic detail. Edit 2: Sierras high note at the end is amazing. I did the show at my school ?Hardest show i"ve ever done.

They are amazing! ??????????. I love the phantom of the opera

Gerard is too pretty to play Phantom. He did well, just too damn handsome. Powerful love it. The way I see it, the phantom represents the spirit of Christine"s father who lives inside her mind. When Christine sings it brings into question where she got this gift from. She believes it is the angel of her father still alive within her, and the Opera House"s lair is her mind (Look at your face in the mirror. I am there inside) where she goes to live in darkness with her musical genius father who writes songs for her and commands her to sing. The monkey with cymbals toy is the last object she has from the days of her father"s life, and its music represents the last real thing left from her father before she went to the orphanage, was taunted and ridiculed, and was taken away by Madame Giry. Raul is a childhood friend, and when Christine and he fall in love it becomes a battle between Raul (light and love) and the Phantom (darkness and fear. Raul doesn"t quite understand at first what haunts Christine, but he truly loves her and figures it out by the time Christine goes to the tomb of her father and for the first time tries to let go. Christine is seduced once again at her father"s tomb but Raul tells her That thing is not your father and takes her away. In the end, Christine tears away the false mask which covers her wounded and scarred heart, wounded and scarred from the hurt on her soul of her father"s death, and she gives that wound compassion and love, lets it go, and it lets her go. She goes to live with Raul. But as we see at the beginning at the auction where Raul purchases the toy that still works and at the end when the Phantom leaves a rose at her grave, the scar and her father"s spirit never really goes away. The deaths by strangulation in the play are symbolic of the Phantom"s taking away the voices of various people in its wreaking havoc on Christine"s life.

Sure the Phantom loved her, but that doesnt mean you automatically are entitled to the person you love. He is a serial killer, a possessive emotional abuser, and I he is old enough to be her father too (if he ISN"T the father (which i think he is) Christine"s mother supposedly freed him when she was like maybe 12 and he was the same age. The Viscount, though, wishes only the best for Christine, and does not attempt to restrict her from her life. The Phantom, on the other hand forces her to obey him, and although he did teach her to sing and advanced her career, that DOES NOT ENTITLE HIM TO HER. If you give someone a cookie that they didn"t ask for, they are not obligated to pay for it. Similarly, the Phantom gave her his love, but she is not required and shouldn"t be expected to reciprocate ESPECIALLY after he killed multiple people and tried to abduct her. Christine did, however, love him towards the beginning and he has a place in her heart as her Angel of Music, but not as a lover. And for those who do not believe how possessive he was, listen to any of his songs about Christine and he always has a couple lines about You will belong to me or You are mine! and not in a respectful way. I"m glad Christine got to be with the Viscount in the end, because it would be simply horrendous if she were to still choose the Phantom despite all of his treachery.

I have not yet gotten the chance to see this show live but I have always loved the music. I was excited when I heard the movie was being made but found it to be pretty disappointing. My biggest complaint with the film is the casting decisions. The phantom was terrible at singing and Christine was pretty weak too. That was that until I was on Netflix recently and came across this gem. I found myself getting teary eyed ten minutes in mostly as a reaction to how grand and powerfully this is executed. Every performer is kicking some serious ass and the stage production is mind- blowing. The sound it great as well as the editing and lighting. And if that wasn"t enough there"s a special 25th anniversary event at the end that is sure to be any Phantom of the Opera"s fans wet dream. Watch this video.

Thank You Sir ALW.